Производство полуфабрикатов и блюд

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Production of half-finished product and dishes a document that records their production and writes off the ingredients from the warehouse when selling dishes.

Access rights

To fill an act of production of half-finished product and dishes, you need the right to "Write" in the "Invoice" section.

Production of Half-finished Products

A restaurant can cook half-finished product on its own, rather than buying them. For example, make meat blanks, dough or make a half-finished product in one site, and use in another.

In this case, for accounting remains on warehouse and cost, it is necessary to fill the production of half-finished product.

Attention! It is impossible to change or delete an act of production – be careful when filling out a document.

1. On the "Invoice" tab, select "Production of s/f product and dishes". Click "Add".

2. Fill in the production details:

  • number and date are set automatically, they can be changed;
  • select the half-finished product that you produce and specify the quantity;
  • indicate the warehouse for writing off (from which component products will be written off) and receipt (where the half-finished product will be added);
  • "Calculation for 1 unit" flag – set to calculate production according to the quantity of the producing half-finished product. If the flag is removed, then the calculations will be carried out on one unit of measurement of the half-finished product.
For example, if for 1 kg of vegetable mixture required 0.5 kg of eggplant, then 2 kg of the mixture already has 1 kg of eggplant.

3. The table with the ingredients will be filled automatically based on the calculation card of the half-finished product. You can add new ingredients, if required, or change the number of products.

4. Click "Calculate".

5. In the table "Calculation of production" you will see the remains in the warehouse before and after the production of half-finished product, the costs of the ingredients.

Attention! The cost of the half-finished product is calculated based on the prices of the component products – it cannot be changed manually.

6. Save the half-finished product by clicking "Create".

Done – the act of production of half-finished product is filled. Now, when selling dishes, in the composition of which it is, write-offs will occur from the act of production.

Production of Dishes

Some establishments prepare meals in advance. For example, canteens. In this case, the number of prepared portions is known in advance. Therefore, for accounting the remains, you can use the production of dishes.

Attention! It is impossible to change or delete an act of production - be careful when filling out a document.

1. On the "Invoice" tab, select "Production of s/f product and dishes". Click "Add".

2. Fill in the production details:

  • number and date are set automatically, they can be changed;
  • select the dish that you produce and indicate the quantity;
  • indicate the warehouse for writing off (from which component products will be written off) and receipt (where the dish will be added);
  • "Calculation for 1 unit" flag – set to calculate production according to the quantity of the producing dishes. If the flag is removed, then the calculations will be carried out on one unit of measurement of the dish.
For example, if one portion of roast required 100 g of potatoes, then 10 portions already have 1 kg.

3. The table with the ingredients will be filled automatically based on the calculation card of the dish. You can add new ingredients, if required, or change the number of products.

4. Click "Calculate".

5. In the table "Calculation of production" you will see the remains in the warehouse before and after the production of dishes, the costs of ingredients.

6. Save the production of dishes by clicking "Create".

Done – the act of production of the dish is filled. Now, when selling, dishes will be write off from it. If you sell all produced dishes, the next Jowi will be laid out on the ingredients and write them off from the warehouse.

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