Настройка универсального драйвера АртСофт

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To work with some fiscal printers required installation of Artsoft universal driver.

The list of supported models can be found on the official website of the developer.

Access rights

To setup a fiscal printer, you need the right to edit printers.

Step 1 – driver installation

Buy the driver on the official site of ArtSoft developer. Pay special attention to the conditions of the order.

Step 2 – fiscal printer connection

Connect fiscal printer to the computer by following the instructions

Step 3 – fiscal printer setup

Follow the fiscal printer setup instruction. In the printer adding window, select "UniversalDriver" and select the type of connection:

  • COM port – connection via wire. Select the printer model you are using, port, and print speed.
  • TCP / IP – wireless connection. Select the printer model you are using, enter the IP address of the device and port number.

Save the settings – done! The printer is connected and ready to work.

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