Отчет по счетам

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How many orders were there, how many of them were canceled, what ordered and how clients paid – this and much more can be found out with the help of the invoice report.

Access rights

To view a report on bills, you need the rights to "Read" or "Write" in the section "Report on bills".

On the "Reports" tab, select the "Orders report". In the search panel, you can specify the report construction parameters: period, type of bill and payment, table number and name of the waiter, discount and service amount.

In the report you will find:

  • Bill number – the numbering is in order and set to zero at the end of the working day. If you have several databases, the letter will be in the bill.
  • Type of bill – open, closed (yellow), paid (green), unpaid (pink), deleted (red), debt and auto-deleted.
  • Dates of opening and closing of bill, the name of the waiter who opened it, the number of the table at which the guests were sit.
  • The cost of dishes, the amount of discounts and services, the total amount in the check.
  • Deposit amount accrued to the client.

By the link reference "Details" you can see what exactly the guest ordered and how he paid the bill. By the link reference "Export" – save the bill on the computer.

Attention! The total amount in the report on bills may differ from the amount in the report on cash for the same period. Debt and deleted bills are included in the accounts report, while deleted bills are not taken into account in the report on cash, and debt bills included on the day of payment.

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